As first time homebuyers Judy and her team were able to answer any question that we had from start to finish. It didn't matter if it was 10pm or 6am, everyone involved with her always picked up the phone or replied to texts right away. Being active duty Military, this Summer we transferred from Astoria Oregon to the South Florida area. Essentially being homeless after we departed Oregon, Judy and her team were able to hit the ground running as soon as we arrived in South Florida. 3 weeks after we found the house in the area we wanted we were able to close and move in. It was extremely helpful that Judy and her finance team knew all of the ins and outs of the VA Loan process, it took away any anxiety that we may have had in regards to much we could afford. I would highly recommend Judy to any Active Duty Military persons or VA Loan eligible Veterans that are planning on purchasing a home in the South Florida area.